(* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file at https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/blob/master/LICENSE *) property targetTab: null property targetTabIndex: -1 property targetWindow: null property theProgram: "Google Chrome" on run argv set theURL to item 1 of argv -- Allow requested program to be optional, -- default to Google Chrome if (count of argv) > 1 then set theProgram to item 2 of argv end if using terms from application "Google Chrome" tell application theProgram if (count every window) = 0 then make new window end if -- 1: Looking for tab running debugger -- then, Reload debugging tab if found -- then return set found to my lookupTabWithUrl(theURL) if found then set targetWindow's active tab index to targetTabIndex tell targetTab to reload tell targetWindow to activate set index of targetWindow to 1 return end if -- 2: Looking for Empty tab -- In case debugging tab was not found -- We try to find an empty tab instead set found to my lookupTabWithUrl("chrome://newtab/") if found then set targetWindow's active tab index to targetTabIndex set URL of targetTab to theURL tell targetWindow to activate return end if -- 3: Create new tab -- both debugging and empty tab were not found -- make a new tab with url tell window 1 activate make new tab with properties {URL:theURL} end tell end tell end using terms from end run -- Function: -- Lookup tab with given url -- if found, store tab, index, and window in properties -- (properties were declared on top of file) on lookupTabWithUrl(lookupUrl) using terms from application "Google Chrome" tell application theProgram -- Find a tab with the given url set found to false set theTabIndex to -1 repeat with theWindow in every window set theTabIndex to 0 repeat with theTab in every tab of theWindow set theTabIndex to theTabIndex + 1 if (theTab's URL as string) contains lookupUrl then -- assign tab, tab index, and window to properties set targetTab to theTab set targetTabIndex to theTabIndex set targetWindow to theWindow set found to true exit repeat end if end repeat if found then exit repeat end if end repeat end tell end using terms from return found end lookupTabWithUrl